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Refund and Returns Policy

At StudyCharts, we strive to provide you with the best educational resources and ensure your satisfaction. However, we understand that there may be situations where a refund is necessary. Please read our refund policy carefully to understand the conditions under which refunds may be issued.

Digital Products: Due to the nature of our digital products, which include downloadable study charts and visual aids, we generally do not offer refunds once the purchase has been made. This is because once the product is downloaded, it cannot be returned or resold. We encourage you to carefully review the product descriptions, previews, and compatibility requirements before making a purchase.

If you encounter technical issues with a digital product that prevent you from accessing or using it, please contact our customer support team. We will make reasonable efforts to assist you and resolve the issue. If the issue cannot be resolved, we may consider issuing a refund on a case-by-case basis.

Physical Products: If you have purchased physical study charts from our website, you may be eligible for a refund under the following circumstances:

  1. Damaged or Defective Products: If the study charts you receive are damaged or defective, please contact our customer support team within 7 days of receiving the product. We may require you to provide photographic evidence of the damage or defect. Once the issue is verified, we will arrange for a replacement or issue a refund.
  2. Incorrect Product: If you receive a study chart that is different from what you ordered, please contact our customer support team within 7 days of receiving the product. We will work with you to resolve the issue and arrange for a replacement or refund, depending on the situation.

Please note that for physical product returns, we may require you to return the item to us in its original condition and packaging. The shipping costs for returning the product will be your responsibility unless the return is due to our error.

To request a refund or report an issue with your purchase, please contact our customer support team at “” Provide your order details, a description of the problem, and any supporting evidence if applicable. We will review your request and respond to you as soon as possible.

Please be aware that our refund policy may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to review the refund policy at the time of purchase.